10 Healthy Foods that Cost Less Than $2 per Serving

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Eating healthy can be a challenge; especially when you’re on a budget. With so many nutritious foods often carrying a higher price tag compared to their junk food counterparts, it’s no surprise why we often choose the cheaper and more convenient (but less healthy) options.

Fortunately, you don’t have to spend your whole paycheck on expensive foods at an upscale grocery store to eat healthy. All it takes is a few simple switches to your recipes and routines. Here are some things to put in your cart the next time you head to the local supermarket.

1. Brown Rice

Brown rice is an amazingly versatile and healthy whole grain. It’s high in fiber and contains no trans-fat or cholesterol.

You can prepare it as a side dish, but it’s also an easy substitute for white rice in many dishes. That’s all it takes to get benefits of whole grains!

At most stores, it’s $1.75 to $2 a pound, or 18 cents a serving.

2. Whole-Grain Pasta

Whole-grain pasta is a healthy substitute for white pasta. It has double the amount of fiber, certain minerals and certain B vitamins.

Whether you prefer spaghetti, penne or rigatoni, it’s easy to find the whole-grain version at most grocery stores. Use whole-grain pasta in any dish you would use white pasta!

You can get a pound of it for $1.50 to $2.50, or about 25 cents a serving.

3. Rolled Oats

Rolled oats are another nutritious whole grain. They are high in fiber and provide important minerals and vitamins like iron, manganese and B vitamins.

Easily upgrade your morning routine by switching that donut, muffin or bagel for a healthy breakfast bowl with rolled oats and fresh fruit!

At about $2 a pound, or 13 to 18 cents a serving, they make a very cost-effective breakfast.

4. Beans

If you can’t afford expensive cuts of meat, beans (dried or canned) make an excellent alternative source of protein and fiber. A one cup serving provides around 15 to 16 grams.

Add them to salads, soups and dips for help keep you full. You can also stay heart healthy by substituting them for red meat in tasty dishes like burgers and burritos.

One serving of dried beans costs as little as 15 cents and one serving of canned beans costs as little as 34 cents.

5. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are nutritious root vegetables that provide more than 300 percent of your daily need for Vitamin A. They’re also high in Vitamin C.

They’re tasty when baked, boiled, mashed or roasted. Instead of opting for frozen french fries full of preservatives, try baked sweet potato fries!

According to the USDA, sweet potatoes cost $1.05 per pound on average, or around 35 cents per serving.

6. Broccoli

The health benefits of broccoli are hard to pass up. It’s low in calories and rich in Vitamins C and K.

Instead of reaching for a bag of chips as an afternoon snack, pack it raw as a snack with Greek yogurt for dipping.

A head of broccoli averages $1.92, with a cost per serving of 84 cents. At that price, there’s no excuse not to eat your greens!

7. Bananas

A banana is a fruit that travels well. It’s also a good source of potassium and Vitamins C and B6.

Acai berries make for a trendy breakfast, but a banana is the perfect cost-effective breakfast on the go!

This valuable fruit goes for 45 to 60 cents a pound, or about 18 cents per serving.

8. Oranges

These citrus fruits contain more than 100 percent of your daily need for Vitamin C and are a good source of potassium.

Eat them as a portable snack or as a healthy dessert substitute.

Prices depend on variety and season, but navel oranges are usually 75 to 84 cents each.

9. Canned Fish

Canned fish is a great source of protein for the price and is much more affordable than fresh seafood. It’s high in healthy, omega-3 fatty acids and minerals.

Fresh fish from the seafood counter isn’t the only option for an omega-3 rich dinner. Use canned fish to make seafood cakes.

At $2 per six-ounce can, or $1 per serving, it’s one of the best ways to get protein on a budget!

10. Ground Turkey

Chicken is probably the most popular choice for poultry, but ground turkey is relatively inexpensive and high in protein, too. It’s also low in fat and contains up to 14 grams of protein per serving.

It makes an affordable substitute for ground beef on taco night. With the right seasoning, you’ll never know the difference!

You can get a package of ground turkey for $3.50 to $4, making a four-ounce serving 88 cents to $1. That’s a bargain compared to beef!

You don’t have to break the bank when it comes to healthy eating. There are plenty of options for affordable grains, veggies, fruits and proteins. For healthy recipe ideas, visit A Healthier Michigan!